25 Jul

If your property is infested with pests, then there are quite high likelihood of small animals using air ducts to create their nest. Even faeces is found within the air ducts, thus b ecoming good breeding ground for disease and mould. If so, then your family's health reaches risk. In such a case, you do need to consider undertaking air conditioning duct cleaning immediately.

Dead Animal In Duct Work

Dead animal within the duct

Animals within the air duct is only going to end in scratches and holes, thus allowing precious cool air to flee freely, thus affecting your time bill negatively. Moreover, dead body of an animal present within the vent is only going to cause unpleasant experience. The rotten smell is likely to circulate during your home. Your family may have a tough time trying to get fresh, clean air. In addition it promotes fungi, mildew, mold and attracts insects and maggots. It is very important to get rid of the dead body and clean the affected area and sanitize it. You can call up the air conditioning duct cleaning professionals like Kimiclean to undertake the task.

Locate the dead body

Following a strong smell emitted by the dead animal is sufficient enough to locate the dead animal's body. Switch off the AC and start most of the windows in the space, allowing the bad odor to go out. Identify areas in the space, where the smell emitted is the strongest. Try pinpointing the location. If strong smell comes from the vent, then it will be here that the dead body could be found.

Eliminating the dead body

On locating the carcass, you are able to either take it off by yourself or call up the air conditioning duct cleaning professionals. If you like cleaning yourself, then you definitely will demand a flashlight, screwdriver, rubber gloves, garbage bag, disinfectant cleaner and few paper towels.

Remove register cover with the screwdriver. Learn the dead body and utilize the right tool to bring it out from the vent. If the body is deep inside, then you should use anything that's adequate to get rid of it. You may also use bent clothes hanger to have the job done. But if you still struggle to have it out then you definitely will have to contact the air conditioning duct cleaning company. Being professionals in the domain & experienced, they will include the specialized tools & equipments. They could easily locate in addition to eliminate the carcass even from those hard to achieve & awkward places.

Cleaning the mess

Once the source of smell is eliminated, the following vital step is to wash the location properly and thoroughly. Do use top quality disinfectant cleaner for cleaning purpose. Use a mop to achieve the affected surfaces easily & effortlessly. In addition it prevents growth of harmful bacteria and mold. But if you feel that you're unable to undertake the cleaning job yourself, then it becomes essential to hire professional services immediately.

To make sure that the air duct is safe & pest-free, hire the best air conditioning duct cleaning professionals to carry out regular inspections.

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